Thursday, October 17, 2013

Manufacturing Buzz

Social media and mainstream media have been buzzing about American manufacturing a lot recently. The second annual Manufacturing Day was held on October 13 and focused attention on the growing shortage of qualified manufacturing workers. And the Boston Consulting Group projects that “the United States is in a strong position by around 2015 to eventually add 2 million to 3 million jobs and an estimated $100 billion in annual output in a range of industries.”

Here's a roundup of the best articles:
Changing Perceptions, Celebrating Skills On Manufacturing Day on Huffington Post
The Vital Signs of American Manufacturing on
Martha Stewart on 'American Made': Efforts To Promote Entrepreneurship And Manufacturing In America on Fox Business News
The 4 Technology Trends That Could Bring Back U.S. Manufacturing (And Innovation) on
Modest Expansion in Manufacturing in September on Industry Week
Manufacturing the Future: Driving Growth Through Advanced Manufacturing on Huffington Post
Q&A: Actor Gary Sinise Talks Veterans, Jobs And U.S. Manufacturing on Ideas Lab

But the buzz isn't always true. What do you think? Are your companies experiencing a slow down or an increase in demand for your product and services? Are you able to find enough skilled workers to fill positions, or are you eliminating positions to cut costs?

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